Info "Orme di Enea" 2024 (english version)


Date: June 16, 2024

Meeting Time: 7:00 am

Start Race: 8:30 am

Time Limit: 10:00 am

Start/Finish Line: Piazza San Benedetto da Norcia - POMEZIA (RM)

Course Map: 2024 Map

Race Rules: Race Rules 2024

How to register:

send an email with your details and the bank transfer receipt attached to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Registration Fee: € 13 up to June 13 at 10:00pm, 15 € the day of the race.

Payment details:

           Recipient: ASD Podistica Pomezia
Bank name: BPER Banca SpA
Account number: IBAN IT66R0538722001000002929854 BIC BPMOIT22XXX





  • Pomezia (RM) Via Varrone, snc
  • Punto Informazioni: Via Orazio, 77 c/o Punto Casa
  • (+39) 360 360 062


© 2014-2021 A.S.D. PODISTICA POMEZIA - C.F. e P.I. 04474401009 - webmaster: Paolo Bianchi